Language matters

It doesn’t matter whether you are selling products or services. Translating your website is the most cost-efficient means of reaching new markets.
If you want to start communicating in other languages, you need a language strategy. What needs to be translated and into which languages? Is translation enough or is more work required? How is online content translated in practical terms? We will be happy to help you communicate with the entire world.

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More from the knowledge bank

ISO 9001, 27001, 17100 and 18587

Why all these standards? Because we don’t like empty words. Translation services are tricky. Companies and institutions send their often…

New contract with the European Commission

Translator Scandinavia has signed another contract with the European Commission and Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union.…

Translating annual reports

The annual report is perhaps the most important marketing instrument of a company, with stringent quality requirements in terms of…