Translator Scandinavia’s General Terms and Conditions

Version 2024-11-25

These General Terms and Conditions are used in connection with the purchase of translation and supplementary services from Translator Scandinavia AB (hereafter called the Provider).

1. Responsibilities

The Purchaser is obliged:

  • to specify the assignment to the Provider,
  • to provide the Provider with information and materials such that the assignment can be performed as per the Purchaser’s wishes, both in terms of quality and within given time and cost frameworks,
  • to always have a contact responsible for the Provider, with authority to make binding decisions for the Purchaser on issues regarding performance of the assignment,
  • to adhere to the schedule where the Purchaser’s commitments are concerned,
  • to promptly and no later than within 30 days of delivery notify the Provider of any complaints regarding the material supplied.

The Provider is obliged

  • to prepare and send to the Purchaser a quotation or specification of the agreements with the Purchaser,
  • to specify the need for time, documentation and other material in order to complete the assignment,
  • to place a project manager qualified for the assignment at the Purchaser’s disposal,
  • to observe the industry’s ethical standards for integrity, professionalism and confidentiality,
  • to adhere to the schedule where the Provider’s commitments are concerned,
  • to offer professional, efficient and pleasant service, as well as clear information about invoices, administration and other communication.

The Provider and the Purchaser must keep each other informed of such issues that may alter the nature of the assignment, such as changes in prices, the volume of work and deadlines.

The financial liability of the Provider may never exceed the sum quoted for the assignment in question.

2. Confidentiality

The Provider shall process all information received about the Purchaser’s business confidentially and in accordance with the industry’s ethical standards, both during the partnership and after its cessation.

3. Personal data and information security

i. Processing of personal data

Documents sent for translation may contain personal data. As a controller, it is the Purchaser’s responsibility to obtain the consent of the data subjects mentioned in the documents sent to the Provider for processing, or to ensure that another legal basis for the processing is in place.

When providers process (e.g. translate) documents, it may be necessary – depending on the language – to transfer the documents to subcontractors based in a third country outside the EU/EEA.

ii. Storage

Project-related documentation, including texts to be translated, is kept for 7 years after final delivery. Translation projects managed in the CAT tool Memsource are deleted from the tool after one year. Text in translation memories (text database containing the source text and translation) is stored indefinitely unless otherwise agreed. Contract-related documentation is stored indefinitely unless otherwise agreed.

4. Cost estimate

The Provider may provide cost estimates for its services. These are non-binding and constitute an approximation of what the costs for the Provider’s services will amount to. The parties shall take joint responsibility for adhering to the cost estimate. The parties shall inform each other of any deviations.

5. Quotation

The Provider is obliged to provide a quotation for its services on request. Quotations shall be binding, with the exceptions made in these. The quotation shall contain prices with any mark-ups, taxes and fees, and the estimated time required for each assignment. The Provider is obliged to notify the Purchaser as soon as any deviations arise or may be expected to arise. The Purchaser shall help ensure that the project stays within the cost and time frames agreed.

6. Placing an order

Work begins after the Purchaser has given its approval via an order, approved quotation, or in some other way has given its approval for the work to start.

7. Cancellation

The Purchaser is entitled to cancel the assignment. If the Purchaser requests that an assignment be cancelled, the Provider will be remunerated for the costs that have arisen and, if requested to do so, deliver the material produced to the Purchaser.

8. Terms of payment

Invoicing takes place after delivery unless otherwise agreed. Terms of credit are 30 days net from the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed.

Any queries regarding the invoice shall be raised within 10 days. For amounts that have not been paid on the due date, late payment interest will be charged at a rate of 10% above the applicable reference rate.

9. Ownership and right of use of the final product

The final product delivered to the Purchaser is the property of the Purchaser. However, the Provider has the right to freely dispose of and use the glossaries and translation memories created in connection with the assignment.

10. Disputed items

The Purchaser is entitled to withhold payment for disputed invoice items until the dispute has been resolved. Non-disputed invoice items shall be paid by the due date.

11. Force majeure

Neither the Purchaser nor the Provider can be held liable for delayed deliveries or similar if such are caused by circumstances beyond the parties’ control. These may include natural disasters, strikes, illness, etc.

12. Disputes and applicable law

Any dispute concerning interpretation or application of this agreement, and legal issues associated therewith, shall be resolved in the first instance through negotiation between the parties. If the parties cannot reach a settlement, disputes shall be decided through simplified arbitration proceedings at the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. This agreement is subject to Swedish law.