ABOUT Translator Scandinavia

Qualitative translations since 1990

We have a long tradition of providing high-quality and sustainable translation services. We currently deliver 30 million translated words to hundreds of clients in various industries every year – with a focus on quality, efficiency and long-term relationships with our customers.

Translator Scandinavia is certified to ISO 9001, 27001, 17100 and 18587.

Find out more about our ISO certifications and why we invest in quality and information security.

Quality, sustainability and modern technology were guiding principles from the start

Translator Scandinavia was founded in 1990 by serial entrepreneur Gunnar Carlsson. At the time, Gunnar was working with technical training for Swedish industry, and his clients often needed translations into different languages. Since Gunnar was fluent in Spanish, he started doing the translations from Spanish into Swedish himself. That’s how the idea of having his own translation agency was born.

Beside a roaring fire at a scout camp in the mid-1990s, Gunnar met our current CEO Cecilia Enbäck, who then became Translator Scandinavia’s first employee. The team grew shortly after, and on the cusp of the 21st century, it was made up of eight professional translators and project managers. Many of those who started working with us then are still with the company today.

As early as 1995, Translator Scandinavia signed a contract with the European Parliament and Commission and started delivering translations of very high quality. Becoming an accredited translation provider for the EU was very demanding, so we needed to develop methods and define how we worked with security and quality. We were imbued with a quality and safety mindset at an early stage, and this has remained with us throughout the years.

Gunnar came from a background in engineering – a proud mechanical engineer from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. From the start he saw the benefits of using technological solutions to improve the quality of translations while saving clients time and money. We started working with the first translation tools back in the late 1990s, and since then we’ve kept up to date with new technologies to improve and streamline our translations.

Quality, modern technology and sustainability have been our guiding principles from the start. Today, we deliver 30 million translated words to hundreds of clients in various industries every year – with a focus on quality, efficiency and long-term relationships.

Vi arbetar för att finnas kvar länge

Translator Scandinavia grundades för över 30 år sedan. Redan från början har hållbarhet varit en självklar del av vår kultur.

För världen innebär det att vi använder hållbara produkter, återvinner allt vi kan och inte köper in onödiga saker, för att lämna ett så litet avtryck som möjligt.

För våra kunder innebär det att vi hela tiden jobbar med att effektivisera processer och använder teknik för att spara tid och pengar i hela ledet.

För våra medarbetare innebär det ett hållbart arbetsliv. En plats där de får möjlighet att växa i sitt yrke, samtidigt som resten av livet går ihop med vabb, fritidsintressen, veterinärbesök och allt vad det innebär.

För vi vill att våra kunder och medarbetare ska stanna hos oss länge. Och våra goda recensioner och låga personalomsättning är ett kvitto på att vi gör det bra.

Read more about what it’s like to work with us
Our team

Axel Sjögren

Translator and reviser

Carolina Kühnemann

Partner – Head of Sales and Marketing

Eva Taxén

Senior Project Manager

Helena Wester

Senior Project Manager

Henrik Kühnemann

Partner – IT and Production Manager

Kajsa Kinntorph

Project coordinator

Malin Lord

Senior Project Manager

Malin Olsson

Senior Project Manager

Nina Davidsson

Project manager

Patrik Lindgren

Senior Project Manager

Get help with quality translations today